Say Goodbye to Pesky Insects: DIY Baby Oil and Clove Insect Repellent

Say Goodbye to Pesky Insects: DIY Baby Oil and Clove Insect Repellent

Are you tired of swatting away mosquitoes and other pesky insects during your outdoor adventures? Say goodbye to those bothersome bugs with our simple yet effective DIY insect repellent made from baby oil and cloves. This natural solution will keep insects at bay while leaving your skin feeling soft and moisturized. Say hello to bug-free outdoor experiences!


  • A dark glass dropper bottle
  • 35 milliliters of baby oil (or olive oil)
  • Six whole cloves


  1. Gather all your equipment and ingredients. Ensure that the glass dropper bottle is clean and dry.
  2. Pour 35 ml of baby oil into the dark glass dropper bottle. If you prefer, olive oil can be used as a natural alternative.
  3. Add six whole cloves to the bottle. These cloves are the key ingredient, as they possess natural insect-repelling properties.
  4. Secure the bottle’s cap tightly and shake vigorously. This helps to thoroughly blend the cloves with the oil, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
  5. Allow the mixture to sit for at least ten seconds. During this time, the aroma of the cloves will infuse the oil, enhancing the repellent’s potency.

Your homemade insect repellent is now ready to use! Here’s how to apply it effectively:

  • Before heading outdoors, apply a few drops of the repellent to exposed areas of skin.
  • Gently rub the repellent into your skin until fully absorbed.
  • Reapply the repellent as needed, especially after swimming or sweating, to maintain protection against insects.


  • This DIY repellent provides effective protection against mosquitoes and other insects.
  • The natural ingredients, including baby oil and cloves, are gentle on the skin and leave it feeling soft and moisturized.
  • The repellent is easy to make at home and is an affordable alternative to commercial insect repellents.
  • By using natural ingredients, you avoid exposure to harsh chemicals often found in store-bought repellents.

With this DIY baby oil and clove insect repellent, you can enjoy outdoor activities without the nuisance of pesky insects. Embrace the power of natural ingredients and say goodbye to bug bites during your outdoor adventures. Get ready to explore the great outdoors with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable and natural insect repellent by your side.

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