apple fritters


2-3 peeled apples 1 1/2 cups when diced

1 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/3 cup milk

1 egg

2 TBS cinnamon sugar mixture (2 TBS sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon)

Oil for frying the fritters



Combine the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, and whisk until combined.

In a small bowl whisk the milk and egg until combined, add into dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated.

Toss the apple chunks with the cinnamon & sugar and dump the mixture into the batter, stir just a bit to move apples around.

Heat oil to 370 degrees.

Fry heaping spoonfuls (or use a cookie scoop) of the batter (being sure you get apples in each scoop)until golden brown (about 2-3 minutes),

If frying in a sealed fryer, shake basked around just a bit during frying to ensure even rotation of cooking. If cooking in an open frying pan/poy, flip fritters using a spatula or fork to ensure even cooking.

Once fritters are removed from the fryer, place them on a cooling rack with paper towels under to catch any drips. If rolling in cinnamon & sugar, do so as soon as you can handle the fritters. If sprinkling with powdered sugar or dipping them in a simple glaze, allow them to cool a bit more.

To make glaze simply combine 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, a splash of vanilla and 1-1 1/2 TBS milk. Stir until smooth and drizzle over fritters or go ahead and dunk them in. If dunking them in, allow them to set for a few minutes and enjoy…they don’t really “keep” that way. Fritters are best enjoyed soon after you make them while still warm. For best results fry in batches of 3 or four. I use a small cookie scoop to make dropping the batter into the oil nice and easy.


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